Insight Into Vibrational Homoeopathy

Insight Into Vibrational Homoeopathy
Geometric Cards
Seven States Of Matter
Simulated Homoeo Combinations
Homoeopathic Consultation Online
Vibrational Flower Remedies
About Us
Vibrionic Instruments


Welcome to our web site!

This Site is dedicated to so called “Alternative Medicine” Or “Complimentary Medicine” these medicines some times called by the name placebo therapy ( Medicine containing Nothing may only give psychological effect). I want to introduce my system to you as placebo therapy. In the due course you would learn that it is not only placebo but more than placebo in Heeling effect. Even though some time one may feel that it is not effective but surely it does not have any side effect. We are happy to welcome Homoeopathic Medicine into our Drugless Medicinal group because of the Controversial Drug Dynamisation after more than 12th Potency no medicinal substance is left in the medicine for producing any effect. But practically we have seen wonderful results in highly potentised medicine. Here I would suggest you to try our medicine where where your pet medicine fail to cure. Or They Say "You have to Live with this problem,Dr Suvarna Prabhakar MD(Homoeo) has done wonderful results, Many Cancer Patients Responding well, We try to exctend their life, remove side effect created by allopathic drugs,We have many cases where Allopathic doctor givenup the case, we could give them some comforts.

Recent Anti-Holistic campaigns are because of fear of loosing existence!
Common people are intelligent enough to choose their line of treatment.

...........We are concentrating our research in the field of Sujok, Twist therapy, Rife, Radionics, Colour therapy, Non-invassive therapies.

WARNING: This Instrument is not a medical device and is not a substitute for medical treatment and under no circumstances should you consider it to be so. If you are concerned about any condition or symptom you or any other person are experiencing, see a licensed medical practitioner immediately. It is also not a magical or miracle device and no responsibility is taken for any effect or action which may or may not happen as a result of you using this device.

Radionic treatment is NOT a substitute for orthodox medical treatment. Persons seeking treatment should always take the advice of a licensed medical practitioner first.